Practical Spirituality: A Conversation with Author, Celine Koropchak

Last year, I stumbled upon the blog, the_tovarysh_connection (pronounced, the toe-vahsh connection). I was struck by its simple language that resonated deeply within me. As I continued to read the posts, I became convinced that there was some deep spiritual presence at work in these words. At the time, the author was not named, and I foundContinue reading “Practical Spirituality: A Conversation with Author, Celine Koropchak”

New Book of Everyday Spirituality Hits the Digital Market

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New Book of Everyday Spirituality Hits the Digital Market New York, NY, USA September 24, 2013 One With All of Thee: Growing Your Sacred Connection (OWAT), now available as an e-book at Amazon, is a practical book of wisdom. It does not, strictly speaking, have a conventional author. In the sacred, philosophicalContinue reading “New Book of Everyday Spirituality Hits the Digital Market”